How about anazob.com?
Today, I fat fingered (or rather misfingered) Amazon.com and typed anazib.com. Rather than luckily bumping into some porn site, I was taken straight to Amazon.com
Either the developers at Amazon.com are very familiar with fat-fingering and registered these fat-finger domains in order to help fellow fat-fingerers like me.....or...well, they fat-fingered while registering their domain :)
Yeah yeah, I get it, most of them register these kinds of domains to avoid cyber-squatters from taking advantage of them but I was pleasantly amused to see my fat-fingering corrected and sent to where my lean fingers were supposed to take me!
(Is there a record for highest number of references to fat fingering in one blog post??)
(Yeah those are my fingers and my nails and I bite them...so bite me!)
(35mm, f/1.8, 1/400s, ISO 1600)
(I just realized after looking at the hi-res pics that I was shooting at iso1600....no wonder the pic is so noisy!)