Saturday, November 7, 2009

These are a few of my favorite things....

A laptop outdated that just keeps on going...
Scratched up Blackberry that's constantly buzzing...
The time shifting magic a Tivo that brings...
These a few of my favorite things.

My Laptop - I have probably gone through around 20 laptops in the last 10 years but am yet to buy one of my own. This is something I have gotten so used to - whether it's a laptop or a desktop. I've had one for over half of my living years. I cannot imagine living without one. I'm not an early adopter when it comes to electronics - The desktop (that I bought) is older than my first-born but it's still going strong. I'll probably have it with me for at least a couple more years.

I've never been that lucky with laptops though. I have had crashed hard disks in at least 5 of my laptops so far. It can probably be attributed to my not-so-gentle handling.

My Blackberry - Two years ago, I did not have one. Two years ago, I did not see the need for one. It will be exactly two years in December since I've had this blackberry. It's like one of those things that you can live without until you start living with.I love carrying it with me. I'm addicted to the crackberry - It is my morning alarm, it is my personal navigator, it's been a lifesaver in boring meetings that I've found a fatal attraction to. IPhone appeals to me but I won't carry one until one lands on my table.

DVR (and the DVR remote) - What can I say about this one. Never had one, never thought I'd find a use for one, never found the value in spending money on one. Last year, I was offered one for free with no monthly fees. I whatthehecked and took them on the offer. Now, I cannot imagine not having one (again one of those things...). I can hardly watch anything live anymore unless it's on those 'no commercial' channels. 99%  of my viewing has been time shifted - starting to watch 10 minutes into the program or watching a day/week/month old episode of Good Eats.

If I was stuck on a deserted island, what are the three things I would like to take with me? Well, now you know - a Laptop without power (Did I mention that my laptop battery lasts 20 minutes when unplugged?), a DVR without a TV and a Blackberry without coverage!

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